Friday, February 10, 2012

Replacement Theology, Covenant Theology & Dispensationalism

Raeplacement theology is what dispensationalists refer to those who believe (as I do) that before the cross was literal Israel and after the cross His church is now spiritual Israel.
Dispensationalists believe that the future prophecies for Israel past the cross were for literal Israel throughout history. This is primarily the belief of what we call the "secret rapture crowd". This is why you hear them talk a lot about Israel today.
Those of covenant theology (Reformed churches, including Presbyterian) are sometimes accused by dispensationalists of believing repalcement theology (where the church replaces Israel). But those who are into covenant theology disagree. As minister Nallie Malabuyo of a Reformed Church put it "It has been widely held by Reformed theologians that there will be a great conversion of Jews. Some call this “anti-semitism.” This isn’t anti-semitism, it is Christianity."
Replacement Theology is correct. You see, one false doctrine leads to another. If you think Israel in future prophecy is literal Israel, it then leads into another false doctrine, the secret rapture,  etc.
The Jewish people rejected Him. He is not accepted as their Messiah as a people. It is both unBiblical and illogical to oppose replacement theology--of course the Christian Church replaced Israel!! In Revelation, the woman in white, before the child (Christ) was born was Israel  as His people with the truth. After the child (Christ) is caught up into heaven-His people represented by the woman is His Church. The 12 stars on her head-representing the 12 tribes-now represent the Church founded by the 12 disciples. (As for a main difference between the false doctrines of covenent theology and dispensationalism-is that dispensationalism views the new covenant as taking the place of the old and covenant theology believes the new is an extension of the old...As for me, who believes in Replacement Theology, I think the old covenant was the works carried out in the earthly model of the sanctuary and sealed with the blood of animals. The new covenant is simply the work fullfilled on the cross of the altar of sacrice, 1st article of furniture in the sanctuary, and now followed up in the reality of the heavenly sanctuary. Now sealed by HIS blood. In other words, from Passover to now Communiuon services in rememberance of it).
Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace. And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work. Romans 11:5,6 The works here are the ceremonial works of the Jewish symbolism relating to their services. Now the reality of the sacrifice is freely given and the blood has been gotten for the Judgement for the blotting out of sins. Now one has to accept what is given by grace. The work continues in the heavenly sanctuary by Christ, not in the works of the earthly sanctuary by men.