Thursday, February 9, 2012

obama administration attacks freedom of religion

I'm NOT a Catholic, and I strongly disagree with their church on theology. BUT, they have a right to their religious views and the government, through obamacare, forcing churches to pay for contraception (WAIT-why is that even covered in any health plan to begin with?) has NO right to do what it's doing.
Plain & simple, obamacare is MARXISM. How? Because it is an assault on both the private sector (by raising the mini-meds over several years so as to eventually put the private insurance companies out of business and then have to go to government healthcare) and an assault on religion by trampling on a churches belief. Marxism is anti-private sector & anti-religion. So yes, one can make a case that obamacare is a marxist policy. There is nothing in the constitution about healthcare--but there is something in the 1st amendment about freedom of religion.

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:17