Friday, February 24, 2012

John MacLeod of the Free Scottish Presbyterian Church, Sunday & Tsunami

Pastor John MacLeod of the Free Scottish Presbyterian Church claimed after the 2004 south pacific tsunami, which killed over 200,000, that it was from God for not keeping Sunday (1st day of the week which he erroneously considers the "Lord's Day"). MacLeod said- "It has to be noted that the wave arrived on the Lord's Day, the day that God has set apart to be observed the world over by a holy resting from all employments and recreations that are lawful on other days. We cannot but fear that it found multitudes unprepared for the eternity into which they were ushered so suddenly and without warning."

Actually,  Pastor MacLeod, the Holy Day of God is the Sabbath-His 7th day.
But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: Exodus 20:10