Tuesday, February 28, 2012

In the News-Atheist Richard Dawkins leaves door open for existence of God

"There was surprise when Prof Dawkins acknowledged that he was less than 100 per cent certain of his conviction that there is no creator.
The philosopher Sir Anthony Kenny, who chaired the discussion, interjected: “Why don’t you call yourself an agnostic?” Prof Dawkins answered that he did.
An incredulous Sir Anthony replied: “You are described as the world’s most famous atheist.”
Prof Dawkins said that he was “6.9 out of seven” sure of his beliefs.
“I think the probability of a supernatural creator existing is very very low,” he added." The Telegraph

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Psalm 53:1 So has the fool who, on a scale of 7, says that there is a 6.9% chance God does not exist.