Saturday, February 25, 2012

Creation Moment 2/26/2012 - Examples of Evolutionary Dating Methods in Error

courtesy of Answers-in-Genesis,
Potassium-Argon Dates in Error
Where?When did the event occur?Date by radiometric dating
Mt. Etna basalt, Sicily122 B.C.330,000–170,000 years old
Mt. Etna basalt, SicilyA.D 1972490,000–210,000 years old
Mount St. Helens, WashingtonA.D. 1980300,000–400,000 years old
Hualalai basalt, Hawaii A.D. 1800–18011.76–1.44 million years old
Radiometric dating has been shown to not work on rocks of known age. Yet most secular scientists and other old-earth supporters assume that radiometric dating does work on rocks of unknown age. This is quite an obvious inconsistency.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1 & that "beginning" was about 6,000 or so years ago based on the Biblical record.