Saturday, February 18, 2012

Creation Moment 2/19/2012 - Quasars defy Big Bang

A question: "Why do distant galaxies seem to age at the same rate as those closer to us when big bang theory predicts that time should appear to slow down at greater distances from Earth?"

"Chown writes,
“All quasars are broadly similar, and their light is powered by matter heating up as it swirls into the giant black holes at the galaxies’ cores. So one would expect that a brightness variation on the scale of, say, a month in the closer group would be stretched to two months in the more distant group.
Chown writes,
Then he goes on to quote Hawkins: “To my amazement, the [light signatures] were exactly the same … There was no time dilation in the more distant objects.” But according to Einstein there should be if they are at their cosmological distances due to the big bang."
Ahhh...there it is...."due to the big bang." But since the light signitures are the was maybe CREATED that way at the same time....Hmmmmm

 Is not God in the height of heaven? and behold the height of the stars, how high they are! Job 22:7