Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Joel Osteen wants to do what?

Should he really do this? I understand he is part of the "prosperity gospel" and preaches support group stuff rather than the Gospel. But degenerating into so-called reality TV entertainment?
"HOUSTON (Reuters) - Joel Osteen, who leads the largest U.S. church congregation, said he has signed an agreement to develop a reality television show.
"What I'm excited about is that it's another way to take our message of hope and inspiring people to another venue," Osteen told a news conference.
The series, which is still in the formative stages, would be based on the church's missions. Some 300 to 500 members of the church would go to help a community in need -- sort of like "Extreme Home Makeover," Osteen said.
Osteen inked the deal with Mark Burnett, the producer of popular TV series such as "Survivor."
Osteen said that Houston-based Lakewood Church, which broadcasts its services weekly to 10 million viewers from a former sports arena, had been approached in the past about a television series.
None of those opportunities seemed a good fit for the ministry, he said. Osteen said that he has known Burnett for about a year.
"I've always admired him and liked his shows," Osteen said at the news conference recorded by KTRK-TV in Houston. "I like his values. I like his style. I believe he knows who we are and what we're all about."
"When I think of reality shows, I think of cameras following you, doing nothing," Osteen said. "We don't want to do just a reality show. We want to do something that inspires people and makes them better. It's not only entertaining and fun, but leaves some kind of message." REUTERS news service
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1