Thursday, December 8, 2011

Another Sad Book for the Weak Minded

Anybody will claim anything to sell a book these days....Just take a bit to read from the book "The Real Messiah"....
"Thanks to a series of coincidences, and to his birth at a very strategic and important time in the history of Palestine, there was one child whose parentage and position seemed to fit him perfectly for the role of Messiah – who incidentally was fully expected to appear at this time. The individual in question was Marcus Julius Agrippa, and he was fully aware of the significance of his role in life.
By the time he was only eight or nine years of age, Marcus Agrippa believed himself to be, and was accepted as, the once and for all Messiah of the Jewish people – though he espoused a new religious covenant that was open to all, Jew and Gentile alike. He was anointed as such, not only in Palestine but far away in Egyptian Alexandria – undoubtedly on that very throne with its ciphered inscriptions that can now be seen in Venice. His position as Messiah had been proclaimed by Jesus himself during his own ministry,..."  The Real Messiah It is sad that this kind of non-sense is taken serious by some folks and used to help them deny God.....
We should ALL be glad where GOD sits to judge us.... it's never too late...
And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, Exodus 25:22