Thursday, December 29, 2011

4 views of the Millenium

HISTORIC PRE-MILLENIAL Believe that the Millenium begins after the 2nd comming of Christ. (The early church fathers-including Papias, a disciple of Johns, believed this).

MODERN PRE-MILLENIAL Believe in a "Secret Rapture" followed by a 7 year tribulation. Then the 2nd Comming followed by the Millenium.

AMILLENIAL Believe the Millenium is symbolism in scripture for just "a long period of time" before the 2nd comming. All problems Christians face from the crucifixtion to the 2nd comming are part of the time of trouble/and or tribulation. Many believe the prophesies were fullfilled during the time of the Roman Empire. This belief began primarily in the 400's with St. Augustine of Hippo.

POST-MILLENIAL Believe that the Millenium occurs BEFORE the 2nd comming. The world gradually gets better as more & more are converted to Christianity. They believe it will be a thousand years of earthly peace. Then the 2nd comming happens at the end of it.
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, Revelation 1:7