Friday, August 26, 2011

Green Religion of "Egypt"

The secular world, spiritual Egypt, has its own religion-the Green religion. Some Christians (Babylon)support prayer, creatrionism, etc in our schools-while the secular world (Egypt) wants it's Green Religion pushed in the school system.
1) Has it's own origins myth-Evolution & the Big Bang
2) Has it's own heretics-Scientists who don't believe in man made global warming
3) Has it's own forms of Justification & Sanctification- Recycle & Go Green
4) Has it's own form of tithe- Carbon taxes & Cap & Trade
5) Has it's own forms of penance- "Plant a tree"
6) Has it's own false prophets- Global Warming alarmists and doomsday scientists like Paul Erlich
7) Has it's own high priest- Al Gore
8) Has it's own "Holy Days"/Holidays- Earth Day, Arbor Day
9) Has it's own Eschatology- The End comes from Global Warming (Of course in the 70's the prediction was we were all going to die from global cooling)
10) Has it's own "Faith & Works"- Car pool or ride a bike to work
11) Has it's own "god"-Instead of the Father God-they worship "Mother Earth"
12) Has it's own form of "Gnosticism"-The New Age movement
13) Has their own "Missionaries"-Green Peace, Sierra Club
14) Has their own "Youth" programs- Earth First, Earth Liberation Front, etc.
15) Has it's own Evangelism- The Conservation Movement & "Global Education"
16) Has it's own version of the "Prosperity Gospel"-Going Green saves "Money"
17) Has it's own form of "Soul Searching"- calculating one's own"Carbon Footprint"
18) Has it's own Theology-"Ecology", a term coined in the 19th century by Ernst Haeckel to desribe the relationship within nature for the struggle for existence (Instead of the struggle of man with sin-it is man and his struggle within the paradigm of nature)
19) They have their own "Garden of Eden" -The Primitive state of mankind that they long to return to of the past
20) Their own form of "Universalism"-Global Salvation through the environmental movement (See-even they too have false doctrines within their own false doctrine)
21) Have their own Ecumenical Movement-The U.N. & The Intergovernmental Council on Climate Change
As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. Galatians 1:9,10
Some Heretics of the GREEN RELIGION: