Friday, August 30, 2024

Puritan Corner - Death

"God, to prevent all escape, hath sown the seeds of death in our very
constitution and nature, so that we can as soon run from ourselves, as run from death. 
We need no feller to come with a hand of violence and hew us down; there is in the tree a worm, which grows out of its own substance, that will destroy it; 
---so in us, those infirmities of nature that will bring us down to the dust."
by William Gurnall (1616-1679)
So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: 1 Corinthians 15:42

Health Note - WAR against Health

I wish above all things that thou mayest in health... 
3 John 1:2

"RFK Jr.'s push to "Make America Healthy Again" by breaking the
grip of the processed food industry's control of the nation's food supply chain must have angered big food. 
That's because shortly after, the response was Time gaslighting readers into believing ultra-processed foods are safe.

Just days after Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a vocal critic of ultra-processed foods, endorsed former President Donald Trump to promote the "Make America Healthy Again" agenda, Time Magazinea publication not to be taken seriously—published this...Time published the initial headline, "What if Ultra-Processed Foods Aren't as Bad as You Think?"

'Trust the science' journos at the left-leaning media outlet probably changed the headline after the uproar on X.
James Lindsay, a mathematician turned culture critic and author of the website New Discourses, pointed out on X, "I am once again reminding you that Time Magazine is owned by Marc Benioff, who is closely tied to the World Economic Forum and its agendas."

Q: What could those WEF agendas be? 
A: Well, for one, the elites at WEF have pushed to reset the food supply chain for 'sustainable' reasons and implement insect diets worldwide
Also, these elites have a fascination for banning cow fluctuance and eventually force the world to eat printed meat from a lab. Furthermore, governments across the West have waged war against small farms...

Here's an excerpt from Time's reporting:
"A weird thing happened. Wilson found that she had more energy and less anxiety. She didn't need as much coffee to get through the day and felt more motivated. She felt better eating an ultra-processed diet than she had before, a change she attributes to taking in more calories by eating full meals, instead of haphazard combinations of whole-food ingredients.


Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed.
Jeremiah 17:14
I have seen his ways, and will heal him.
Isaiah 57:18

"It is the sole prerogative of God to remove spiritual disease
Natural disease may be instrumentally healed by men, but even then the honor is to be given to God who giveth virtue unto medicine, and bestoweth power unto the human frame to cast off disease. 
As for spiritual sicknesses, these remain with the great Physician alone; ....and one of the Lord’s choice titles is Jehovah-Rophi, the Lord that healeth thee. 
He who made man can restore man; 
He who was at first the creator of our nature can new create it. 
My soul, whatever thy disease may be, this great Physician can heal thee." 
Charles Spurgeon

Creation Moment 8/31/2024 - The "Heart" of the Matter

I have seen the foolish taking root: Job 5:3

"What the unique shape of the human heart tells us about our evolution (20 Aug 2024, The Conversation). Aimee Drane, a “senior lecturer and clinical academic” at Swansea University, sees major
differences between ape hearts and human hearts. Conclusion: the human heart must have evolved from theirs!

"We believe the human heart evolved away from the trabeculated structure seen in the other great apes to enhance its ability to twist and contract more efficiently. This increased twisting motion, along with the smooth ventricular walls, probably allows the human heart to pump a larger volume of blood with each beat. This meets the heightened demands of our physical activity and larger brains."

She doesn’t understand her own theory. 
Nothing “evolves to” do something. 
That would imply foresight, purpose, and direction. 
She should have read Meredith Root-Bernstein’s article in PNAS on August 12, “Evolution is not driven by and toward increasing information and complexity,” where she chides other evolutionists who assume “that evolution is progress, via selection for increasing complexity.” Not true! “Most fundamentally, their underlying assumption that there is such a thing as ‘selection for’ violates valid reasoning in evolutionary biology.” 
Aimee, this means you need to rely completely on sheer dumb luck! And we don’t care what you imagine “probably” happened (did you calculate any mathematical probabilities?). 
Science is about demonstration.

Aimee and her 16 accomplices in the paper in Communications Biology mentioned “evolution” 23 times, merely assuming it.....they all appealed to mythical “selective pressure” to believe that the Spirit of Darwin pushed humans to invent hearts suitable for their upright posture and big brains." 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Token of the Rainbow

"The rainbow is the natural consequence of the sun’s shining through water. 
Q: How, then, is it a token that there shall never be a flood to destroy the earth? 
A: Easily and naturally enough; for, whenever a rainbow is seen
anywhere on earth, that is certain witness that the sun is shining somewhere on earth. 
And when the sun is shining anywhere on earth, that is certain evidence that the rain is not falling everywhere on earth, so certainly there is no danger of there being a flood to cover the world as there was before.  
And as certainly as the cloud with its rain does not cover all the earth at once, so certainly the sun is shining somewhere on the earth, and so certainly there will be a rainbow, and in it the faithfulness of God’s pledge that there shall no more be a flood to destroy the earth." 
A.T. Jones

Genesis 9:8 And God spoke unto Noah, and to his sons with him saying, 
9 And behold, I establish My covenant with you, and with your seed after you; 
10 And with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the earth. 
11 And I will establish My covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. 
12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: 
13 I do set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between Me and the earth. 
14 And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud: 
15 And I will remember My covenant, which is between Me and you and ever living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. 
16 And the bow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth. 
17 And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is upon the earth.

IN the NEWS - Mary CULT vs. 1 Timothy 2:5

"Chad Alec Ripperger is a Catholic priest and theologian from the Archdiocese of Denver in Colorado.....he discusses Mary’s role in spiritual warfare
He refers to her as the “nuclear bomb of heaven,” and whenever she appears, the demons are forced to leave. 
He also makes the following claim: “If her (Mary’s) eyes are upon you, your salvation is assured. Now think about what that means. It means if she turns her gaze from you, you’re toast.”
The church defends the immaculate conception of Mary, her ascension into heaven, her role as “Queen of Heaven,” and her intercessory work that they claim Mary does on behalf of sinners before God. 
These four doctrines make Mary another deity worthy of veneration. This is one of the central teachings of the Catholic faith.
These doctrines are deeply set against the clear teachings of scripture. Jesus is the only “mediator” between God and man (1 Timothy 2:5)." 

Creation Moment 8/30/2024 - Vision and Memories Inverse Relationship

I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
marvellous are Thy works;
Psalm 139:14

"Our memories are rich in detail: we can vividly recall the color of our home, the layout of our kitchen, or the front of our favorite café. How the brain encodes this information has long puzzled neuroscientists.

In a new Dartmouth-led study, researchers identified a neural coding
mechanism that allows the transfer of information back and forth between perceptual regions to memory areas of the brain. "
We found that memory-related brain areas encode the world like a 'photographic negative' in space," says co-lead author Adam Steel.

The results showed that 
---when light hits the retina, visual areas of the brain respond by increasing their activity to represent the pattern of light. 
---Memory areas of the brain also respond to visual stimulation, but, unlike visual areas, their neural activity decreases when processing the same visual pattern.

The second is that this visual code is upside-down in memory systems. "When you see something in your visual field, neurons in the visual cortex are driving while those in the memory system are quieted," says senior author Caroline Robertson.

Third, this relationship flips during memory recall. "If you close your eyes and remember that visual stimuli in the same space, you'll flip the relationship: your memory system will be driving, suppressing the neurons in perceptual regions," says Robertson." 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Opening verses of Proverbs

"Proverbs 1:2 To know [give] wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding; 
3 To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity; 
4 To give subtilty to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion. 
To give subtilty”—acuteness, nicety of distinction, i.e., the ability to distinguish the true from the false, to know the good, and to detect
the bad; to see the right, and to discover any lurking tendency toward wrong. 
To the simple.”—On this we give the following from Dr. Clarke: The word simple, from simplex, compounded of sine, without, and plica, a fold, signifies properly, plain and honest, one who has no bye-ends in view; who is what he appears to be;...but because honesty and plain dealing are so rare in the world, and none but the truly religious man will practice them, farther than the fear of the law obliges him, hence simple has sunk into a state of progressive deterioration. 
First it signified, as above, without fold, unmixed, uncompounded; this was its radical meaning. 
Secondly, as applied to men, it signified innocent, harmless, without disguise. 
Thirdly, such persons were rather an unfashionable sort of people, it sunk in its meaning to homely, homespun, mean, ordinary. 
And fourthly, as worldly men,...supposed that wisdom, wit, and
understanding, were given to men that they might make the best of them in reference to the things of this life, the word sunk still lower in its meaning, and signified silly, foolish; and there, to the dishonor of our language and morals, it stands….And simplicity, that meant at first openness, plain dealing, downright honesty, is now degraded to weakness, silliness, foolishness.

To give subtlety to the simple” therefore signifies, to give, acuteness, tact, and nicety of distinction to the honest hearted, the upright, the sincere." 
E.J. Waggoner

IN the NEWS - Push for new Global Religious text via AI

Shall a man make gods unto himself, 
and they are no gods? 
Jeremiah 16:20

In the future, we might see the first cults and religions in history whose revered texts were written by a non-human intelligence,” 
 Harari said. “This was never true before. Of course, religions throughout history claimed that their holy books were written by unknown human intelligence, by a non-human entity”.

This could become true very, very quickly, with far-reaching
consequences. In a few years there might be religions that are actually correct,
” Harari said.”Just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an AI. That could be a reality in a few years.”

Harari explained that this was an unprecedented possibility.
“It’s the first technology ever that can create new ideas,” he said. “You know, the printing press, radio, television, they broadcast, they spread the ideas created by the human brain, by the human mind. They cannot create a new idea. You know, [Johannes] Gutenberg printed the Bible in the middle of the 15th century; the printing press printed as many copies of the Bible as Gutenberg instructed it, but it did not create a single new page. It had no ideas of its own about the Bible: Is it good? Is it bad? How to interpret this? How to interpret that?”

His vision of an AI-generated religion is grimly dystopian with AI religion used as a form of mind control.
For thousands of years, prophets and poets and politicians have
used language and storytelling in order to manipulate and to control people and to reshape society
,” he said, according to the paper. “Now AI is likely to be able to do it. And once it can, it doesn’t need to send killer robots to shoot us. It can get humans to pull the trigger....Contrary to what some conspiracy theories assume, you don’t really need to implant chips in people’s brains in order to control them or to manipulate them,” Harari noted." 

Creation Moment 8/29/2024 - LANGUAGE Undermines evolution

But now thus saith the LORD that created thee,.... Isaiah 43:1

"Language is a huge hurdle for naturalistic dogma. 
---Languages match symbols with specific meanings 
---and arrange those symbols according to a conventional set of rules (syntax) that includes a grammar. 
Evolution supposedly proceeds bit by bit, but language requires all three bits to come preintegrated
and syntax
Language encoded within DNA was such clear evidence of a divine designer that it convinced the once hard-boiled atheist Antony Flew to do an about-face." 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The 2 Children

"Christ's coming will be wholly unexpected—even like a thief in the night—to a class mistakenly forecasting “peace and safety.” (1 Thess. 5:3). 
Lulled to sleep with a false sense of security, they will be overtaken by “sudden destruction.” 
Q: But what of those to whom Paul is writing, who know "the times and the seasons"?:
"But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should
overtake you as a thief. You are all the
children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
" Verses 4-6.
A: Clearly, “children of the light” can know something definite about the time of the Second Coming.
A: The “children of darkness” will be taken by surprise, because they haven’t searched the Scriptures, and they have not been keeping watch with soberness." 
F.D. Nichol

Creation Moment 8/28/2024 - FINGER PRINTS: Common Designer

"Fingerprints are iconic of forensic science because every person can be identified by his or her unique finger and toe prints. Literally all 10 fingers and toes are different from each other and from every
other person. 
The patterns of raised, ridged skin provide us with a textured, nonslip surface to hold things, climb, walk, and run—all activities that benefit from a friction surface.
The same is true of apes. “Fingerpads intuitively seem to be well designed mechanically to improve their grip,” write biomechanical researchers Peter Warman and Roland Ennos in the Journal of Experimental Biology (2009). Consider this: Would primates benefit from friction skin on their hands and feet? Do they climb and hold their food? Yes!
Evolutionists claim that this similarity, or homology, between humans and primates is evidence of common ancestry. But closer study verifies fundamental differences that point to a common Designer.
Both primates and humans have ridged skin, and each print is unique among primates, just as it is among humans. Evolutionists explain this similarity by inheritance from a common ancestor. But the Bible provides a perfect explanation: design.
Three Patterns: Humans and primates share three basic types of
fingerprint patterns, but the frequency of loops and whorls is very different.
In humans, loops are more frequent (65%) than whorl patterns (30%).
Scientists have observed that the ridges in human fingerprints have a higher density than in primate fingerprints.
Primates have a prevalence of whorls on the lower palm (hypothenar) not commonly found in humans (<1%).
In primates, whorl patterns (50–65%) are more frequent than loops (30–40%), depending on species.
These similarities reflect the Creator God who placed similar features among his creatures, such as skeletal structure and internal organs, to serve common needs while pointing toward the ingenuity of one all-powerful master Designer and Creator.
The Bible explains in Proverbs 16:4, “The Lord has made everything for its purpose.” That’s true of ridged skin, not just on our fingers and toes but across the entire surface of our hands and feet." 

Monday, August 26, 2024

In Light of The Light

"Psalm 36:9 In your light shall we see light. 
The Word of the Lord is light. 
Then it is our business to say what the word says. 
Suppose the Lord points out in His word, by whatever means His word
comes to us, that a thing is wrong; or it may be a duty to be performed as, for instance, Sabbath-keeping. 
The Lord says the seventh day is the Sabbath. 
Someone says, “I do not feel as though it was. As soon as I feel so I will acknowledge it, for I always follow my convictions.” 
When we talk in that way in the course of action we practically say, I always follow my own mind; I never deny myself; I always have my own way. Many people mistake inclination for conviction. 
When the Lord speaks we have no business to feel about it." 
E.J. Waggoner

Creation Moment 8/27/2024 - Your Brains 'cocktail party problem' Solves Itself

I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
marvellous are Thy works;
Psalm 139:14

"Originally proposed in the 1940s, the established model suggested that humans locate sounds using a complex network of neurons specifically tuned for spatial hearing.
However, recent findings from a team of researchers have turned this theory on its head.
Also known as sound localization, spatial hearing is the ability of the auditory system to determine the location and direction of a sound source in three-dimensional space.
This ability is crucial for humans to navigate their environment, avoid dangers, and locate potential mates or prey. Key aspects of spatial hearing include:
Binaural cues
: The brain uses differences in the timing and intensity of sound arriving at each ear to determine the location of the sound source. These cues are known as interaural time differences (ITDs) and interaural level differences (ILDs).
Monaural cues
: The shape of the outer ear (pinna) and the head itself affect the frequency spectrum of the sound reaching the eardrum. These spectral cues help in determining the elevation of the sound source and whether it is coming from the front or back.
Head movements: Turning the head can help resolve ambiguities in sound localization, particularly in distinguishing between sounds coming from the front or back.
The precedence effect
: When a sound is followed by its echo, the auditory system gives precedence to the first-arriving sound, suppressing the perception of the echo. This helps in localizing sounds in reverberant environments.
Auditory scene analysis:
The brain can separate and group sounds from multiple sources based on their spatial locations, allowing us to focus on a particular sound source in a noisy environment (e.g., the "cocktail party effect").
Spatial hearing is a complex process involving the interaction of various neural mechanisms in the brainstem, 
midbrain, and cortex.
This simpler approach to auditory processing is not only fundamental for spatial hearing but also crucial for distinguishing speech from background noise. This ability is vital in what's known as the 'cocktail party problem' -- the challenge of focusing on a single voice in a noisy environment.
This research marks a significant shift in our approach to designing auditory systems, both biological and mechanical, and could lead to a new generation of hearing devices that are both more natural in their function and more effective in their application." 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Lesson of Those 18

"Some people hurt more than others physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in this fallen world. 
Q: Does that necessarily mean their suffering is a direct result of a specific sin? 
A: Of course not! 

In Luke 13, Jesus spoke about 18 people who were killed when a
tower fell on them. “
Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish” (Luke 13:4–5). 
Those 18 weren’t killed because they were worse sinners; it was their time to die. 
Jesus uses this to remind us that we are all under the judgment of death because of sin, and so all will face death. 
This is a stark reminder to make sure we have done what Jesus said: “Repent.” 
In other words, that was their time to die, so make sure you have received the free gift of salvation so you know with certainty that when you die, you will go to be present with the Lord for eternity. “But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:31)." 
Ken Ham

Creation Moment 8/26/2024 - Your neurons learn

I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
marvellous are Thy works;
Psalm 139:14

"Every day, we make countless decisions based on sounds without a second thought. But what exactly happens in the brain during such instances? 
A new study from the Renart Lab, published in Current Biology, takes a look under the hood.
The cortex is divided into regions that handle different functions: sensory areas process information from our environment, while motor areas manage our actions. 
Surprisingly, signals related to future actions, which one might expect to find only in motor areas, also appear in sensory ones.
Q: What are movement-related signals doing in regions dedicated to sensory processing?
"We found that sensory- and choice-related signals displayed distinct spatial and temporal patterns," Renart continues.
"Signals related to sound detection appeared quickly but faded fast, vanishing around 400 milliseconds after the sound was presented, and were distributed broadly across all cortical layers. In contrast, choice-related signals, which indicate the movement the mouse is about to make, emerged later, before the decision was executed, and were concentrated in the cortex's deeper layers."
However, despite the temporal separation between stimulus and choice activity, further analysis revealed an intriguing connection: neurons that responded to a specific sound frequency also tended to be more active for the actions associated with those sounds.
As Steinfeld explains, "For instance, a neuron that reacts to high frequencies might activate more for a rightward lick in one mouse and a leftward lick in another, depending on how each was trained, since we switched the sound-action contingency. This variability across different animals shows that the activity isn't hardwired but adapts through experience. These neurons learn to increase their activity for whatever action is appropriate based on their preferred sound frequency." 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Close Look at Genesis 6:2

"But gradually the people of God forgot their high calling, loosed down their integrity and stepped down from the high estate of the sons of God and mingled themselves with the seed of men in the ways of the flesh. 
Genesis 6:2 The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took themselves wives of all which they chose. Note that it was not that they took themselves wives of only such as
they chose, as if each one had taken him a wife from the daughters of men.  ...
they took themselves wives of all which they chose; –they entered upon the polygamous practice of the sons of Cain. 
If they had maintained their integrity, then the sons of God taking from the daughters of men, bringing in from the descendants of Cain, each of them only a wife, would have been bad enough. 
For, such numbers of unconverted women, caring nothing for the way of God, and knowing only the wild ways of the descendants of Cain, could have had no other effect than to wipe out the clear distinction between the children of God and the children of this world....; it was the far worse thing of the sons of God crossing the line and going over into the field of the daughters of men, the field of the descendants of Cain, and adopting their polygamous practices. And the effect of this was as a mighty tide to sweep the world into the very depths." 
A.T. Jones

Lesson from Exodus 22:6

fire break out, and catch in thorns, so that the stacks of corn,
or the standing corn, or the field, be consumed therewith; he that kindled the fire shall surely make restitution.

Exodus 22:6

"But what restitution can he make who casts abroad the fire-brands of error, or the coals of lasciviousness, and sets men’s souls on a blaze with the fire of hell? 
The guilt is beyond estimate, and the result is irretrievable. 
Q: If such an offender be forgiven, what grief it will cause him in the retrospect, since he cannot undo the mischief which he has done! 
An ill example may kindle a flame which years of amended character cannot quench. 
Q: To burn the food of man is bad enough, but how much worse to destroy the soul! 
It may be useful to us to reflect how far we may have been guilty in the past, and to enquire whether, even in the present, there may not be evil in us which has a tendency to bring damage to the souls of our relatives, friends, or neighbors." 
Charles Spurgeon

Creation Moment 8/25/2024 - Brain filing cabinet (bigger than they thought)

I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
marvellous are Thy works;
Psalm 139:14

"The brain may be able to hold nearly 10 times more information than previously thought, a new study confirms.
Similar to computers, the brain's memory storage is measured in "bits," and the number of bits it can hold rests on the connections between its neurons, known as synapses. 
Historically, scientists thought synapses came in a fairly limited number of sizes and strengths, and this in turn limited the brain's storage capacity. However, this theory has been challenged in recent years — and the new study further backs the idea that the brain can hold about 10-fold more than once thought.
In the human brain, there are more than
100 trillion synapses between neurons. Chemical messengers are launched across these synapses, facilitating the transfer of information across the brain. As we learn, the transfer of information through specific synapses increases. This "strengthening" of synapses enables us to retain the new information. In general, synapses strengthen or weaken in response to how active their constituent neurons are — a phenomenon called synaptic plasticity.
One bit corresponds to a synapse sending transmissions at two strengths, while two bits allows for four strengths, and so on." LiveScience

Friday, August 23, 2024

The Thoughts of God

"The Bible was not written in subjects nor verses, but in thoughts
thoughts of God
The Bible is the Word of God, and words express thoughts
The Bible, therefore, as the word of God, is the expression of the thought of God
There are thoughts of God expressed in single words. 
There are thoughts expressed in single verses. 
There are thoughts expressed only in whole chapters. 
There are thoughts expressed only in whole books. 
And there are thoughts expressed only in the whole Bible together. And true Bible study is to find, to receive and to dwell upon thoughts of God expressed in single verses, expressed in several verses, expressed only in whole chapters, expressed only in whole books, and expressed only in the whole Bible together." 
A.T. Jones

IN the NEWS - IRAN: If this is True.......

IF this is true--then Amen, amen. Numbers 5:22

"Gary Lane described how an “unprecedented number of Muslims are choosing to follow Christ, especially in Iran as people search for a better life.
You have a country with one of the highest drug addiction rates in
the world. You have a country where corruption runs rampant. You have a country where more than half the people live below the poverty line
,” said Todd Nettleton of The Voice of the Martyrs, a non-governmental organization focused around providing support for persecuted Christians.
Nettleton said that
over a million Muslims had left the faith for Christianity and two-thirds of the country’s 75,000 mosques had closed — a claim that had been echoed in other outlets like U.S.-based Iran International, but which is difficult to verify given the nature of Iran’s closed society.
We have heard multiple stories this year of Bible study, a home church being raided. Everyone there is photographed; everyone there is questioned. But then the leader of the meeting is held on to. They are arrested. They are detained. They’re put in prison.”
The move toward Christianity is a surprising one for those of us familiar with Iran only as a merciless theocratic state. 
Yet, this isn’t a new phenomenon; in a 2023 piece for the Washington Stand, a Christian outlet, Lela Gilbert noted that a significant survey taken in 2020 by Gamaan, a secular Netherlands-based research group, reported that there are far greater numbers of Christian believers in Iran than ever before — more than a million. In fact, those involved with the ‘house church’ movement in Iran are convinced that there are likely several million Christian believers there." 

Creation Moment 8/24/2024 - Earth's Geobattery

And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 
Genesis 1:6

"Scientists Say They've Detected a Strange Source of Electricity at the Bottom of the Ocean.....researchers have found evidence of a natural O2 factory that needs neither the Sun nor the lifeforms that harness its power. The source is a chemical reaction taking place in rocks lying on the lightless seafloor thousands of feet beneath the surface of the Pacific Ocean, releasing what the researchers have dubbed "dark oxygen."

It appears that we discovered a natural 'geobattery,'" said study co-
author Franz Geiger, a professor of chemistry at Northwestern University, in the statement. "
These geobatteries are the basis for a possible explanation of the ocean's dark oxygen production."

Now, with the revelation that polymetallic nodules could be causing seawater electrolysis, tampering with the region could also mean destroying what could be an essential source of oxygen for our planet — though of course, future studies will need to determine how significant a source it actually is." 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Enmity Implanted & Struggle with the "will"

"MAN had fallen. 
He was a captive and enslaved in mind and body to Satan. 
Between man and his new and cruel master there was complete harmony. 
Satan’s mind was man’s mind and will
But thank the Lord, the merciful and true God, mankind was not left in this enslavement. 
For immediately from His gracious lips there passed to Satan the ominous sentence, and to all mankind the blest assurance, that this alliance of enslavement was forever broken up. Genesis 3:14,15 And the Lord God said unto the serpent…  I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; it shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel. 
By the infinite power of that divine word, enmity was then planted between mankind and Satan; and from that moment to this, there has been no unity of mind or of soul between mankind and Satan, and no unity between even any individual and Satan except upon the continuous, persistent, and determined choice of the individual himself.

The working of this divinely implanted enmity is fully described in the following inspired passage: 
Romans 7:15-24 That which I do I allow not: for what I would,
that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it [the law] is good. 
Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwells in me.  
For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwells no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.  
For the good that I would I do not: 
but the evil which I would not, that I do.  
Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwells in me.  
I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.  
For I delight in the law of God after the inward man;  
But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.  
Q: O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? 

The warfare there described between the good and the evil
is in every soul that ever came into the world. 
Every soul knows better than he does. He knows the good and “would do it.” And though he hates the evil, he hates the evil that he does; and many times even fairly hates himself for doing the evil that he hates." 
A.T. Jones

Creation Moment 8/23/2024 - Brains "thesaurus"

I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
marvellous are Thy works;
Psalm 139:14

"Using a novel technology for obtaining recordings from single neurons, a team of investigators at Massachusetts General Hospital, a founding member of the Mass General Brigham health care system, discovered a microscopic "thesaurus" that reflects how word meanings are represented by neurons in the human brain...opens the door to understanding how humans comprehend language.

"Humans possess an exceptional ability to extract nuanced meaning through language—when we listen to speech, we can comprehend the meanings of up to tens of thousands of words and do so seamlessly across remarkably diverse concepts and themes," said senior author Ziv Williams.

"We also wanted to find how humans are able to process such diverse meanings during natural speech and through which we are able to rapidly comprehend the meanings of words across a wide array of sentences, stories, and narratives," Williams said.

To start addressing these questions, the scientists used a novel technology that allowed them to simultaneously record the activities of up to a hundred neurons from the brain while people listened to sentences (such as, "the child bent down to smell the rose") and short stories (for example, about the life and times of Elvis Presley).

For example, most people can rapidly tell the correct meaning of words such as "sun" and "son" or "see" and "sea" when used in a sentence, even though the words sound exactly the same.

"We found that certain neurons in the brain are able to reliably distinguish between such words, and they continuously anticipate the most likely meaning of the words based on the sentence contexts in which they are heard," said Williams.

Lastly, and perhaps most excitingly, the researchers found that, by recording a relatively small number of brain neurons, they could reliably predict the meanings of words as they were heard in real-time during speech
That is, based on the activities of the neurons, the team could determine the general ideas and concepts experienced by an individual as they were being comprehended during speech." ScienceAlert